Gifted a pair of RM Macquaries from the 90’s that were steeped in 20 years of Rum and Coke spills. Great build quality but the leather was in real trouble, was scalely and flaked off on contact.
Used fine sandpaper to take them back to smooth leather, applied Havana 35 Renovating crème (3x and sanded back) and then Havana 35 Teinture, the Pommadier and conditioner, and then polished with the Bootblack Brush & Cloth set.
They have come up just ridiculously shiny and mirror finished whereas RM’s are now quite matt. So excellent if you want to see your reflection when you look down, but not if you want something a little more subdued and subtle.
Have another pair of hand-me-downs RM’s coming soon that were used as stockman riding boots for years, and years. Whatever went on the horse livery went on the boots, so the next project should be interesting. Might investigate the patina look of the higher end RM’s and see if I can replicate the burnished look. Perhaps Bootblack can assist with the next project??, but they are always my first stop for shoe and leather products.